As fun as babies are however, I discovered they require an insurmountable amount of "stuff". I couldn't believe it, when our Lalaith was born, what all we needed to care for her, to care for Hayden and I, and what was used to help us establish a new, normal, day-to-day life once more. Swings, jolly-jumpers, toys, music, blankets, burp cloths, diapers, soothers, etc. These items, while some are more essential then others, do not alway do the trick. Take the swing for instance. Many babies love to sit in their swing and sleep for hours, while a content mommy can then take time to take a nap, clean the house, do some laundry and maybe even cook a dinner. My L, she HATED her swing and if I was lucky, I would get about 5 good minutes out of it. L wanted to be held and snuggled All.The.Time.
As you can imagine, getting anything else done in a day became near impossible. Until we discovered "The wrap!" That's right! The first time I used it, I was able to prepare supper while L slept, snuggled up close to me. I had use of both my hands and felt a new found freedom I hadn't yet known. I just wished I'd used it sooner. :)
my wee one, snuggled in her wrap
I had first discovered this marvellous wrap when, a year earlier, I heard about No Cry Baby from a new mommy I had seen, sporting her wee one around in one. Hayden and I then purchased a wrap from No Cry Baby for Hayden's brother and sister-in-law, who were expecting their first baby (#1 of the 4 girls :)). Once Lucy was born and we saw pictures of how it worked, I was determined to have one for myself, as I was then pregnant (with #3 of the 4 girls). Thankfully Crystal Marshall, owner and creator of No Cry Baby, frequented the Medicine Hat Christmas markets last year and I was able to procure my very own wrap, with much excitement. The fabric was soft, stretchy and oh so comfortable. I have not regretted this purchase in the least.
Crystal's beautiful 3 boys
"I already had a couple carriers, a ring sling and backpack style, but neither allowed me the security to be hands free. I went to a local store and inquired about a wrap. I don't remember the brand, but I do remember the price. $99 for essentially a large strip of serged fabric. I have sewn since I was twelve, and had recently purchased a serger, so my next stop was the fabric store. That night, I whipped together my first wrap."
Crystal then decided to make some wraps for a couple of her girlfriends, as baby gifts. This spurred on the domino effect, as they, while loving their wraps, then asked Crystal if she could make wraps for their friends. Crystal decided it was time time to find a label company and went to work making a directional DVD, which you get with the purchase of a wrap. It was definitely nice to have that DVD for myself, to show me how to properly use my wrap. I would have been lost without it!
"I added a couple items that would fill a table at the farmers market. Items that I found either too expensive in stores, impossible to find, or items inspired purely by my children ("Slobber Bib"). I love to sew, but in today's market it is very pricy. Most things are cheaper to buy then to make. No Cry Baby has allowed me with a hobby that pays for itself. I love seeing babies when I'm out and about, sporting something I made. A reward that I never considered when I set out on my little adventure."

One would think, with the surplus of babies being born, seemingly daily, business would be booming. However, the opposite seems to be the case, as Crystal explains. "As No Cry Baby starts up its fourth year, business has slowed. A number of other crafty momma's have taken up the hobby of making and selling baby items. It has come to a point that in order for No Cry Baby to continue, it must evolve."
This Fall has introduced No Cry Baby's final "baby" related product, in what is likely to be, a long time, the curved nursing pillow! This nursing pillow compliments the, already successful, nursing cover, with peek-a-boo design. Although many items will be discontinued, fear not new momma's and momma's-to-be, as all baby products can still be purchased upon request. You will just have to put a special order in, instead of finding what you're looking for at the local market, which is not a big deal at all.
The exciting part, is that these discontinuations are being done in order to make room for new items, coming this Spring, to the 2013 Farmers Market Season. "A tease of what the new lines will include are; items for the busy mama, the daughter I never had, and tools of survival in a house monopolized by males." Sounds intriguing does it not? I know I'm looking forward to seeing what new products No Cry Baby will product this Spring, that's for sure.
To catch No Cry Baby before Christmas, to pick up that perfect gift for the new mommy or mommy-to-be in your life, head out to these two markets coming up in Medicine Hat:
*December 6th at the Cypress Centre 5pm-8pm
*December 8th at River Park Church (503A Allowance Ave SE) 1pm-6pm
Other markets you can find No Cry Baby at are:
*Mommylicious tradeshows. (Check out Mommylicious for upcoming tradeshows. No Cry Baby is always on site with a stroller check and wrap loans (free of charge).)
*2013 Farmers Market season.
All future markets will be posted on Facebook, so please go to No Cry Baby's site and "like" it here to stay updated on market news and new products!
And of course, if you can't make it out to any markets, no problem at all! Crystal is always happy to arrange a private sale. This can be done by contacting her directly, either through Facebook, email, or Phone.
Check out No Cry Baby's website at for further information on products.
For further questions, or to make an order, please contact Crystal directly and she will be happy to speak with you.
Phone: 1-403-488-2361
For baby accessories, you could drive 2 1/2 hours to Calgary and hit up Toys R Us, or you could save the $100+ on gas and support your local businesses. Look no further the No Cry Baby. I promise, you won't be disappointed.
next week's feature hint: Vats of golden liquid: the beverage of times long past.
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