Wednesday 27 August 2014

A Return To That Which I Love

As it would seem, my return from a writing hiatus turned into a longer hiatus after just one post. One word. Ridiculous. It's not like I had anything important going on, like being a wife,  taking care of toddler, giving birth to another beautiful girl, building a new business, along with trying to keep my house from entering a total state of destruction.

Yes, it's been over 10 months since I last posted and my, has a lot happened in that time. One never realizes the change that can occur in a short span of time, until you sit back and reflect on that time. What did I do? How is it almost September, 2014 already?

Well, it's true that I was busy being pregnant and taking care of a growing toddler, who always keep me on my toes, creating laughter and joy wherever she goes. I had recently embarked on a new road as well, learning about and using essential oils. January hit and I began to pursue the essential oil road and share these amazing gifts of the earth with family and friends, all the while becoming ever increasingly uncomfortable as my pregnancy neared the end. To say I was in pain was an understatement. And when our newest little girl arrived, 9 days early, on Jan 31st at a whoping 10lbs 5oz, I understood completely why I was so ready to be over with this 9 months of pregnancy "bliss". She had no room left! But Treowyn Caroline came and stole our hearts….and every bit of spare time we may have had before she was born. Thus Feb was a blur of not doing a whole lot besides feedings, diaper changes and napping.

March came in with gusto and I endeavoured over the following months to create a new "normal", whatever that was. I managed to get my business up on to steady feet, juggle two girls, naps, diapers, feedings, super prep, an intensive 13 week course, teaching classes, playdates, grocery shopping, traveling home to see the famjam, potty training, sleep training, and devotional time, all sorted. It was a crazy few months, but now the dust has settled a bit (which brings it's own challenges) and I can say, we have found our new normal with its rhythm and pace. And I've learned to say no and let things go. I'm learning to evaluate what's important and what's really not.

The one thing, however, that was sorely missed during the last year, was "me time" and doing those small creative things, like writing, that take me away from the everyday hustle and bustle. Did I think about blogging and writing and creating? Every day. So, here's to doing my best to still take care of me and doing one of the many things that I love, write. And if anyone reads, that's their business, but at least I have a blank page to put black words on, and that thought truly exhilarates me. I feel like I'm home.

My beautiful little family with personality to boot! My how they grow so fast.
Be sure to enjoy the moments you have with those you love too :)

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